Chicken Piccata Recipe: A Delicious Dish for Your Taste

Here's a new and simple way, you can make delicious chicken piccata.

Historical Origins

Chicken Piccata is an Italian-American dish, which probably originated in the United States.


2 tbsp butter 4 tbsp lemon juice 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup chicken stock 1/4 cup capers 2 tbsp caper brine 4 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp cashew nuts

Make Tandoori

Coat the chicken tenders in flour for tandoori, and arrange the chicken in the center of the heated oil.

Step 1

Prepare the Sauce

Step 2

Melt the butter in the same pan and add the capers, lemon juice and chicken stock.

Let the Chicken Cook

Step 3

Pour the prepared sauce over the tandoori chicken and let it boil for ten minutes.

Present and Garnish

Your recipe is ready. Add some cashews as a garnish, serve hot, and enjoy the cold taste!


Chicken Piccata Recipe: A Delicious Dish for Your Taste

You can easily modify the recipe to suit your needs.